Coming onboard! (Guest post from Leanne Jewett)

January 10, 2007

My move from the sensory overload of Los Angeles to the simpler life of the smaller city of North Adams was a welcome change, and, happily, thanks to Inkberry, fears of a possible sense of creative isolation were totally unfounded.

I was thrilled last July when my husband, Brian, and I found an available loft for rent in the Eclipse Mill in North Adams. At the same time, however, as I continued work on my first novel, I missed the camaraderie and support of my writing group in Los Angeles.

The Internet came to the rescue when I searched writer’s organizations and found Inkberry. By August I was a member and in September joined the Thursday night writer’s critique group. There I have found serious writers doing good work and helping each other to do even better work. Through Inkberry I have also been able to attend readings and take a mystery-writing workshop from Beth Saulnier.

A few weeks ago, Jill asked me to join the Board of Inkberry. In a very short period of time Inkberry has become an important part of my writing life and I was very pleased to accept her offer.

I am looking forward to being on the Board. I volunteer in the office on Wednesday afternoons and, in addition to being a great resource for me, I see that Inkberry is a dynamic organization, not frozen in time but still developing. The chance to contribute to that development is what most appeals to me.

I also look forward to meeting more members of the vibrant local writing community and becoming acquainted with their work as they become acquainted with mine.